Spray your crock pot with no-stick cooking spray. This makes for easier cleanup later.

Dust the crock pot with fresh cracked pepper (pre-ground pepper is for wussies).

Dust the crock pot with chili powder.

Boneless Skinless chicken pieces lining the bottom of the Crock Pot. (I used thighs this time, but I've used breasts too, either works fine).

Herb Garlic Marinade drizzled over the chicken pieces.

Assorted chilli's diced up and thrown into Crock Pot.

An Onion (whatever color your prefer, I like yellow) diced up, and some garlic (however many cloves depends on your tastes) minced.

A can of tomatoes with Jalapeno's, juice and all, poured in.

A box of chicken broth.

Fill empty tomato can with filtered water to help gather the remaining flavors left in can.

Pour water from tomato can into Crock Pot.

A pinch of Kosher Salt.

A pinch of Pre-made Italian Seasonings (I got this pouch at Vitamin Cottage in Colorado, and it's lasted me forever!)

Put Crock Pot on it's longest cooking setting, and leave it alone. My Crock Pot switches from "Cook" to "Warm" automatically when the time is up, so I'm going to leave it here til tomorrow evening after work, and it'll stay warm and continue to melt the flavors.........

Set aside pasta noodles to be added before eating. Tomorrow, I'll remove the chicken and dice it up, then return it to the soup, add the pasta, and wait another 30 minutes before eating.